

Technomancer Campaign Planning Form

Well the Monster Hunters game never took off so after a bit a of break I decided to try something new. I'm going to be running a "monster hunter" game... but in Technomancer. Here is the Campaing Planning Form.

This form is a modified (and reduced) version of the Extended Campaign Planning form from How to be a GURPS GM.

GURPS Technomancer – CoverCampaign Planning Form

Campaign Name: D.E.U.S. Exterminators
Genre: Monster Hunters
Tech Level (TL): 8 (modern)

Power Level: Heroic
Realism Level: Cinematic

Synopsis: Demons, Elemental, Undead, and Spirits. There is nothing these guys won't go after ... if the price is right.


Books Used:
  • Basic Set 1&2
  • High Tech - For additional weapons and equipment options.
  • Magic - For spells
  • Bio-Tech - For Spells
  • Technomancer - Setting, templates, etc.
Optional Rules:
  • Buying Success (B347)
  • Player Guidance (B347)
  • Flesh Wounds (B417)


Starting Points: 180
Disadvantage Limit: -75 (-70/-5)

Suggested Character Concepts: Hellhound, Investigator, Warlock
Secondary Concepts: Alchemist, Criminal, Rescue Team Member, Hacker, Technomancer

Attribute Options:
  • ST: 8-18
  • DX, IQ, HT: 9-16
  • HP, FP, Will, Per: -/+ 3
  • Basic Speed: -/+ 0.75
  • Basic Move: -/+ 3

Social Traits

Low/High TL: Not allowed
Status: Not used
Wealth: Struggling to Wealthy

Cultural Familiarity: Anglo, Central Asian, East Asian, Eastern European, Latin American, North African, South Asian, Sub-Saharan, West Asian, and Western European

Languages: English (required), any other modern or anchent

(see trait list)

Required Advantages:
  • Legal Enforcement Powers (Bounty Hunter's Licence) [5]


Technomancer: Racial Templates

In preparation for my upcoming Technomancer game, I've updated the templates to 4th edition. This is the first bit which covers the Chimeras and Halflings. If I find the time I might also create a GCA file with these templates in them.

Homo Sapiens Arachnae (Spider person) [71]
  • Attributes: ST +2 (Lower Body Only, -40%) [12]
  • Advantages: Clinging [20]; Extra Arms (+2) [20]; Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Speak with Animals (Spiders, -60%) [10]; Innate Attack: Venom (1: (1d Toxic, Cyclic: 1 hour, 5 cycles +80%, Follow-Up: Bite +0%, Onset: 1 hour -10% [7]), (2: 2d Toxic, Cyclic: 1 hour, 5 cycles +80%, Follow-Up: Bite +0%, Onset: 1 hour -10% [8]); Binding: Webbing (ST 12, Area Effect, 2 yards +50%; Engulfing, +60%; Sticky, +20%; Wall, permeable, +30%) [63]
  • Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, very common, constantly) [-25]; Lunacy [-10]; Social Stigma (Outsider) [-15]; Vulnerability (Silver & DN, occasional, x3) [-30]
  • Features: Centauroid
Notes: In order to mimic the 3rd edition Venom I did the following: 1) "Poisonous" means that there are 1 hours cycles, I went with 5 cycles (it could have been another number, but 5 felt right). 2) "Poisonous" also has a resist at HT - "venom level". 3) Slow-acting adds a 1 hour onset, and makes only part of the damage resistible. I created this as 2 Toxic attacks one w/o the resistance.

Homo Sapiens Canis Latrans (Coyote person) [-14]
  • Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 [4]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Magery 1 [15]; Penetrating Call [1]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Speak with Animals (Canines, -60%) [10]; Ultrahearing [5]
  • Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, very common, constantly) [-25]; Lunacy [-10]; Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10]; Vulnerability (Silver & DN, occasional, x2) [-20]
  • Features: Fur, Tail

Homo Sapiens Felis (Cat person) [1]
  • Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 [4]; Catfall [10]; Claws [5]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Perfect Balance [15]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Silence +2 [10]; Speak with Animals (Felines, -60%) [10]
  • Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, very common, constantly) [-25]; Extra Sleep (2 hours) [4]; Impulsiveness [-10]; Lunacy [-10]; Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10]; Vulnerability (Silver & DN, occasional, x2) [-20]
  • Features: Fur, Tail

Homo Sapiens Raptor (Hawk person) [-21]
  • Secondary Characteristics: Hit Points -1 [-2]
  • Advantages: 3D Spatial Sense [10]; Acute Vision +3 [6]; Claws (Talons) [8]; Flight (Winged -25%) [30]; Speak with Animals (Birds of prey, -60%) [10].
  • Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, common, constantly) [-25]; Lunacy [-10]; Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10]; Vulnerability (Crushing Damage, common, x2) [-30].Vulnerability (Silver & DN, occasional, x2) [-20].
  • Features: Feathers
Notes: I didn't like the strange “walk on their wings, have arms instead of legs” thing, so I've removed it. My Hawk people are still have legs, but also keep the talon-like hands on their wings. The only real change for the template is that I removed the reduced ground move.

Homo Sapiens Serpens (Snake person) [29]
  • Secondary Characteristics: Basic Move -2 [-10]
  • Advantages: Constriction Attack [15]; Double-Jointed [15]; Extra Arm 1 (Extra Flexible +50%, Lower Body) [15]; Infravision (Temp Disad: Per -4, -20%) [8]; Magery 1 (Communication and Empathy only) [9]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Speak with Animals (Snakes, -60%) [10]; Innate Attack: Venom (2d Fatigue, Cyclic: 1 hour, 5 cycles, resistible +40%, Follow-Up: Bite +0%, Resistible (HT-2) -20% [24]
  • Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, common, constantly) [-25]; Lunacy [-10]; Reputation -1 (Manipulative) [-5]; Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10]; Vulnerability (2d from silver and DN) [-20].
  • Innate Spell*: Persuasion (IQ+3) [12].
  • Features: Scales
* Includes +1 for Magery.

Notes: To mimic Low-Res Infravision, I added a Temporary Disadvantage of Per-4.

Homo Sapiens Vulpes (Fox Person) [-26]
  • Secondary Characteristics: Hit Points -1 [-2]
  • Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell +3 [6]; Alternate Form: Human (Cosmetic -50%, Glamour (Will-4) -10%, Magical -10%) [5]; Sharp Teeth [5]; Speak with Animals (Canines -60%) [10]; Ultrahearing [5].
  • Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, common, constantly) [-25]; Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10]; Vulnerability (2d from silver and DN) [-20].
  • Features: Fur, Tail
Notes: I tried a few variations to mimic the magical Knack, but there were a lot of issues. Not the least was that there is no "Perfect Illusion Disguise" spell, so this seems like a new spell. Also the wording of the description seems to imply that Fox people only can take one form. With that in mind, I decided to go with an Alt. Form.

Notes: I removed the Vulnerability from the Half-Chimeras. I had thought about creating a 1.5x version (as a -50% limitation), but decided to just drop it instead.

Half-Cat [5]
  • Advantages: Acute Hearing +1 [2]; Sharp Claws [5]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Speak with Animals (Pumas, -80%) [5].
  • Disadvantages: Curious [-5]; Extra Sleep (1 hour) [-2]; Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10].
  • Features: Tail

Half-Coyote [0]
  • Advantages: Acute Hearing +1 [2]; Acute Taste and Smell +1 [2]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Speak with Animals (Coyotes, -80%) [5].
  • Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10].
  • Features: Tail.

Half-Fox [1]
  • Attributes: Per+1 [5]
  • Advantages: Sharp Teeth [1]; Speak with Animals (Foxes, -80%) [5].
  • Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10].
  • Features: Tail

Half-Hawk [2]
  • Advantages: Absolute Direction [5]; Acute Vision+1 [2]; Speak with Animals (Hawks -80%) [5].
  • Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10].
  • Features: Feathers

Half-Snake [18]
  • Advantages: Double-Jointed [15]; Speak with Animals (Rattlesnakes, -80%) [5]; Striker: Snake hair (Piercing, Cannot Parry -40%, Weak -50%) [1]; Innate Attack: Venom (1d Fatigue, Cyclic: 1 hour, 5 cycles, resistable +40%, Follow-Up: Bite +0%, Resistible (HT-1) -25% [12]
  • Disadvantages: Reputation -1 (Manipulative) [-5]; Social Stigma (Minority group) [-10].
  • Features: Scales

Half-Spider [41]
  • Advantages: Extra Arms (4) [40]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Speak with Animals (Spiders, -60%) [10]; Innate Attack: Venom (1: (1d Toxic, Cyclic: 1 hour, 5 cycles +80%, Follow-Up: Bite +0%, Onset: 1 hour -10% [7]), (2: 2d Toxic, Cyclic: 1 hour, 5 cycles +80%, Follow-Up: Bite +0%, Onset: 1 hour -10% [8]).
  • Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Outsider) [-15]; Vulnerability (2d from silver) [-10].


GURPS in 2015

I was going to post about my plans for games in 2015, but since I am still hammering out exactly what our next game will be with my group, I'm holding off.

Meanwhile today's Daily Illuminator is by Sean Punch and has a lot of detail on various GURPS project in development.

Nothing bit looks like it hits right away, but it is looking to be another good year for GURPS support.

Check out the post here.